Thursday, June 23, 2022

The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America Part 2

If you are looking for The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America Part 2 you are coming to the right place. The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America is a Webnovel created by W. E. B. Du Bois. This lightnovel is currently completed.

1714, " " 2.

1714-15, Duty Act: additional duty.

1716, " " 3 on Africans, 30 on colonial Negroes.

1717, " " 40 in addition to existing duties.

1719, " " 10 on Africans, 30 on colonial Negroes.

The Act of 1717, etc., was repealed.

1721, " " 10 on Africans, 50 on colonial Negroes.

1722, " " " " " " "

1740, " " 100 on Africans, 150 on colonial Negroes.

1751, " " 10 " " 50 " "

1760, Act prohibiting importation (Disallowed).

1764, Duty Act: additional duty of 100.

1783, " " 3 on Africans, 20 on colonial Negroes.

1784, " " " " 5 " "

1787, Art and Ordinance prohibiting importation.

[9] Cf. Hewatt, _Historical Account of S. Carolina and Georgia_ (1779), I. 120 ff.; reprinted in _S.C. Hist. Coll._ (1836), I. 108 ff.

[10] Cooper, _Statutes at Large of S. Carolina_, II. 153.

[11] The text of the first act is not extant: cf. Cooper, _Statutes_, III. 56. For the second, see Cooper, VII. 365, 367.

[12] Cf. Grimke, _Public Laws of S. Carolina_, p. xvi, No.

362; Cooper, _Statutes_, II. 649. Cf. also _Governor Johnson to the Board of Trade_, Jan. 12, 1719-20; reprinted in Rivers, _Early History of S. Carolina_ (1874), App., xii.

[13] Cooper, _Statutes_, VII. 368.

[14] _Ibid._, III. 56.

[15] From a memorial signed by the governor, President of the Council, and Speaker of the House, dated April 9, 1734, printed in Hewatt, _Historical Account of S. Carolina and Georgia_ (1779), II. 39; reprinted in S.C. Hist. Coll. (1836), I. 305-6. Cf. _N.C. Col. Rec._, II. 421.

[16] Cooper, _Statutes_, III. 556; Grimke, _Public Laws_, p.

x.x.xi, No. 694. Cf. Ramsay, _History of S. Carolina_, I. 110.

[17] Cooper, _Statutes_, III. 739.

[18] The text of this law has not been found. Cf. Burge, _Commentaries on Colonial and Foreign Laws_, I. 737, note; Stevens, _History of Georgia_, I. 286. See instructions of the governor of New Hampshire, June 30, 1761, in Gordon, _History of the American Revolution_, I. letter 2.

[19] Cooper, _Statutes_, IV. 187.

[20] This duty avoided the letter of the English instructions by making the duty payable by the first purchasers, and not by the importers. Cf. Cooper, _Statutes_, IV. 187.

[21] Grimke, Public Laws, p. lxviii, Nos. 1485, 1486; Cooper, _Statutes_, VII. 430.

[22] Cf. _N.C. Col. Rec._, IV. 172.

[23] Martin, _Iredell's Acts of a.s.sembly_, I. 413, 492.

[24] The following is a summary of the legislation of the colony of Virginia; details will be found in Appendix A:--

1710, Duty Act: proposed duty of 5.

1723, " " prohibitive (?).

1727, " " "

1732, " " 5%.

1736, " " "

1740, " " additional duty of 5%.

1754, " " " " 5%.

1755, " " " " 10% (Repealed, 1760).

1757, " " " " 10% (Repealed, 1761).

1759, " " 20% on colonial slaves.

1766, " " additional duty of 10% (Disallowed?).

1769, " " " " " "

1772, " " 5 on colonial slaves.

Pet.i.tion of Burgesses _vs._ Slave-trade.

1776, Arraignment of the king in the adopted Frame of Government.

1778, Importation prohibited.

[25] _Letters of Governor Spotswood_, in _Va. Hist. Soc.

Coll._, New Ser., I. 52.

[26] Hening, _Statutes at Large of Virginia_, IV. 118, 182.

[27] _Ibid._, IV. 317, 394; V. 28, 160, 318; VI. 217, 353; VII. 281; VIII. 190, 336, 532.

[28] _Ibid._, V. 92; VI. 417, 419, 461, 466.

[29] _Ibid._, VII. 69, 81.

[30] _Ibid._, VII. 363, 383.

[31] _Ibid._, VIII. 237, 337.

[32] _Miscellaneous Papers, 1672-1865_, in _Va. Hist. Soc.

Coll._, New Ser., VI. 14; Tucker, _Blackstone's Commentaries_, I. Part II. App., 51.

[33] Hening, _Statutes_, IX. 112.

[34] Importation by sea or by land was prohibited, with a penalty of 1000 for illegal importation and 500 for buying or selling. The Negro was freed, if illegally brought in. This law was revised somewhat in 1785. Cf. Hening, _Statutes_, IX.

471; XII. 182.

[35] The following is a summary of the legislation of the colony of Maryland; details will be found in Appendix A:--

1695, Duty Act: 10_s._ 1704, " " 20_s._ 1715, " " "

1717, " " additional duty of 40_s._ (?).

1754, " " " " 10_s._, total 50_s._ 1756, " " " " 20_s._ " 40_s._ (?).

1763, " " " " 2 " 4.

1771, " " " " 5 " 9.

1783, Importation prohibited.

[36] _Compleat Coll. Laws of Maryland_ (ed. 1727), p. 191; Bacon, _Laws of Maryland at Large_, 1728, ch. 8.

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