Thursday, November 11, 2021

The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities Chapter 192 - Do You Really Remember Nothing?

If you are looking for The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities Chapter 192 - Do You Really Remember Nothing? you are coming to the right place. The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities is a Webnovel created by Listening to Poems in Twilight Snowfall. This lightnovel is currently Ongoing.

Chapter 192: Do You Really Remember Nothing?

She tilted her head, staring at the moonlight outside the window. She put the knife on her chest, and slowly curled up.

Is Mom alright?

She was sleepless all night.

Early in the morning, the door was opened and a woman walked in.

She wore a neat suit, her long hair was pulled into a bun behind her head, and a gun and a walkie-talkie were hanging at her waist. There was something cold and about her.

Claire’s pupils shrank and she suddenly grabbed the knife beside the pillow. “It’s you?!”

It was this woman who took her away from home.

“What is your purpose for bringing me here?” Claire asked coldly.

The woman looked at her suspiciously. “Do you really remember nothing?”

Claire narrowed her vigilant eyes. “What should I remember?”

The woman fell silent.

After a while, she lowered her head and said, “My name is Noah Baker. From today, I will be your personal bodyguard and take care of your daily life.”

Claire frowned in disgust. “I don’t need it.”

Noah didn’t speak anymore and silently exited the room.

At noon, Noah came in to deliver food.

“You’ve been having trouble with your stomach. Eat something mild.”

Having no good impression of her, Claire asked. “Where is the girl who delivered me food before?”

Noah replied. “Killed.”

Claire’s expression changed. “Why?”

“Because she saw your face.”

Just because of this, she was killed?

Claire subconsciously touched the veil on her face.

Seeing Noah walking outside, Claire called her without any emotion in her tone. “It’s too stuffy in the room. I want to go out for a walk.”

Noah’s eyes slightly lit up, and she seemed a little happy. “OK, but not during the day. I will take you out at night.”

After dark, Noah appeared as promised.

She took Claire out of the room and went to the lobby on the first floor.

The floor paved with black marble reflected blurred figures. Outside the circular arch, there was a cloister with no end in sight.

The overhead chandelier was dim, and the dark gray walls made the empty hall look even more gloomy and depressing.

Seeing Claire, all the servants retreated to the corner. They bowed their heads respectfully, and did not even dare to breathe loudly.

Claire observed the surroundings silently.

She wanted to investigate the place clearly enough so that she could work out a new escape plan.

She followed Noah to the garden and they walked on the cobblestone path.

It was autumn, but it was still full of fresh, delicate flowers here, swaying in the wind.

“These flowers are planted by Emperor You for you. He hired the best gardeners to ensure that they can bloom even in winter.” Noah said as she walked.

Absent-minded, Claire didn’t watch her steps. She suddenly stumbled on a stone, staggered a few steps, and fell to the ground.

With a click, she sprained her ankle.

“Miss Claire!” Noah exclaimed and hurriedly helped Claire up. “Are you alright? I’ll call a doctor right away!”

“No need.” Claire withdrew her arm indifferently and said expressionlessly, “It doesn’t hurt much. I’m going back.”

She turned and limped into the hall.

Noah followed, trying to reach out to help.

Claire frowned, and her voice was cold. “Don’t touch me.”

Returning to the room with difficulty, she lifted the skirt and found that her ankle was bruised and swollen.

Claire didn’t bother to deal with this minor injury.

At midnight, in her sleep, she suddenly felt something cold was touching her ankle.

Claire opened her eyes, only to see a dark figure at the end of the bed.

She immediately turned on the light.

It was Spark.

Sitting by the bed, he had removed the quilt and held Claire’s ankle with one hand.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities Chapter 191 - Claire Is Too Simple

If you are looking for The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities Chapter 191 - Claire Is Too Simple you are coming to the right place. The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities is a Webnovel created by Listening to Poems in Twilight Snowfall. This lightnovel is currently Ongoing.

Chapter 191: Claire Is Too Simple

Late at night, the shadows of the trees were mottled outside the window.

Claire walked to the door, took off the hairpin on her head, inserted it into the keyhole, and twisted it twice.

With a click, the door opened.

When she stepped out of the room, the lights in the dark corridor weren’t on.

Following the route last time, she fumbled down the spiral staircase. The servants should have rested, and the dark hall was dead silent.

Claire climbed out of the window on the first floor. Only then did she finally see that this place was like a huge European-style palace.

It was no exaggeration to say that it was a castle.

Looking up, there were dozens of floors, and a bright moon hung on the spire of the tower.

Claire had discovered that the palace was built on the mountainside.

She climbed over the tall fence, with slippers on her feet, and ran for two hours without stopping before finally reaching the city center.

She couldn’t take a plane without a

So she could only go to a long-distance station nearby.

When she came to the ticket window, however, the staff told her that her ID card was required if she wanted to buy a ticket.

Claire leaned against a corner of the wall crestfallen.

She didn’t even have an ID card.

No matter what, since she had escaped, she would find a place to hide first.

She rubbed her hair and got up.

As soon as she walked out of the gate of the station, suddenly countless white lights lit up, s.h.i.+ning towards her at the same time.

The lights were so dazzling that Claire covered her eyes with her hands. From the gap between her fingers, she saw a dozen black cars parked side by side in front of her.

Obviously, they were here for her.

The door of a car was opened, and Spark got out of the car slowly.

Still in a mask, he wore a black s.h.i.+rt, which made his skin look even fairer. His tie was pulled open and hung loosely around his neck. With a hand in his trouser pocket, he walked gracefully towards Claire.

Claire stepped back subconsciously, turning her head to escape.

The man suddenly grasped her shoulders, gently pushed the scattered hair away from her forehead, and said with an indulging smile. “Claire is too simple. Do you think my security system is so easy to be hacked? Even if you hacked the surveillance system, the You Palace is also full of guards, and no one can escape.”

Claire’s eyes widened. “So, you knew it from the beginning? Watching me run out, watching me turn from joyful to anxious, do you enjoy this cat-and-mouse game? Pervert!”

Spark cupped her small face and said creepy words in a gentle tone, “Claire, I am not playing a cat-and-mouse game with you. I just want you to know, even if you escape from my You Palace, you can’t escape from this city. The entire East Continent is my territory. I have eyes everywhere in this place.”


Claire was exhausted physically and mentally and didn’t want to talk.

Getting in the car, Spark hugged her on his lap and looked at her feet.

Because of running, Claire’s slippers were worn out, and her toes were exposed, red and stiff with cold.

“Idiot, why didn’t you change your shoes when you ran away?” The man bent over, took off Claire’s shoes, and wrapped her little feet in his palms.

Back in the room of the You Palace, Spark put Claire on the bed, then took out a veil and put it on Claire’s face.

Claire turned her head and avoided. “What are you doing?!”

“Put it on. Don’t let anyone see your face.” The man covered half of Claire’s face with the veil and then reached out to unb.u.t.ton her clothes.

Claire quickly grabbed the knife and held it in front of her, like a furious little wild kitten.

“Claire, go take a hot bath.”

Claire looked at the man vigilantly. “I can take a bath myself. Get out!”

“Okay.” Spark stood up and walked out of the room.

The moment the door was closed, Claire seemed to be drained out of strength and fell backward.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Melihat Keluarbiasaan

Melihat Keluarbiasaan Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Dalam suatu kesempatan di kelas pelatihan untuk para trainer, kawan muda Prasetya M. Brata yang belum lama memposisikan diri di masyarakat sebagai mind provocateur, menggelitik pikiran saya dengan mengatakan, “Kalau Bang Harefa itu disebut-sebut sebagai guru biasa untuk orang-orang luar biasa, maka saya ini guru luar biasa untuk orang-orang biasa”.

Saya hanya tertawa saja mendengar gurauan provokatif itu. Namun ketika saya memilih menyebut diri (antara lain) sebagai “guru biasa untuk orang-orang luar biasa”, sejak beberapa tahun silam, saya tidak sedang bergurau. Frasa itu saya pilih dengan hati-hati dan penuh pemikiran yang mendalam. Frasa “guru biasa untuk orang-orang luar biasa” mencerminkan pandangan pribadi saya tentang apa yang diperlukan untuk menjadi seorang trainer andalan (superb trainer). Kualifikasi terpenting untuk menjadi trainer andalan bukanlah atribut akademis atau gelar kesarjanaan yang panjang berderet-deret. Juga bukan sertifikasi yang berlapis-lapis dari berbagai lembaga tingkat nasional dan internasional. Kualifikasi yang terpenting untuk menjadi trainer andalan bukan soal berapa berat dan tinggi badan; bukan tata busana yang memesona orang lain; bukan pula suara yang mikrofonik seperti penyiar radio yang jadi idola pendengarnya. Semua itu
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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Mengunjungi Kampung Halaman Almarhum Ayah

Mengunjungi Kampung Halaman Almarhum Ayah Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

“Kids go where there is excitement. They stay where there is love. – Anak kecil cenderung mendatangi tempat yang menyenangkan. Mereka akan memilih tinggal di tempat yang dipenuhi oleh cinta.” ~ Zig Ziglar

Kilas balik tentang negeri di daratan Cina 200 tahun lalu masih identik dengan kehidupan yang serba sulit. Banyak anak muda terpaksa meninggalkan kampung halaman berlayar menuju Asia Tenggara untuk mencari nafkah hidup. Tak jarang mereka berganti kewarganegaan dan berperan cukup penting di berbagai bidang di negara yang disinggahi.

Ayah saya adalah salah satu di antara perantau tersebut. Beliau meninggalkan kampung halaman di Pulau Hainan menuju Malaysia. Dengan kerja keras ayah merintis usaha, menabung, sampai kemudian memiliki keluarga, sumber penghasilan dan jabatan cukup penting di sebuah kota kecil di Malaysia. Saya masih ingat, ayah selalu menyisihkan sebagian kecil dari penghasilan tiap bulan untuk adik dan ibunya di Cina.

Itu semua menunjukkan bukti cinta ayah
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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Kura-kura dan Kuda

Kura-kura dan Kuda Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Pada zaman dahulu kala hiduplah keluarga kura-kura yg sangat rukun. Akan tetapi banyak di sekeliling mereka yang iri kepada keluarga kura-kura. Suatu hari, Bara si kura-kura ingin pergi mencari makan. Saat di jalan, Bara bertemu dengan Rodi si kuda. “hei kamu! Kura-kura yang lambat, sini kamu!” kata Rodi.
Barapun menghampiri Rodi. “ada apa kuda?” Tanya Bara.
Dengan wajah yang menyeramkan Rodi si kuda pun berkata kepada Bara si kura-kura “kamu mau lewat ke sini kan? Oh, oh, oh, tidak bisa”.
Bara si kura-kurapun terbingung, lalu ia berkata “kenapa tidak boleh? Ini kan jalan umum”.
“kamu melawan yah sama aku!, Kalau begitu kita adu cepat saja gimana?” tantang Rodi.
“baiklah kalau itu maumu kuda!” balas Bara.

Saat perlombaan adu cepat, rodi maupun Bara sudah bersiap-siap. “kalau kau kalah kura-kura, kau akan memberikanku semua hartamu sedangkan kalau engkau menang, aku akan memberimu harataku dan semua makananku” tantang Rodi si kuda.
“priiittttt” suara sempruitan berbunyi yg menandakan bahwa pertandingan sudah di mulai.

Saat pertengahan si Rodi dengan santainya berlali, sed
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Monday, August 29, 2016


Kupu-kupu Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Seseorang menemukan kepompong seekor kupu-kupu. Suatu hari lubang kecil muncul dari kepompong. Orang itu duduk dan mengamati selama beberapa jam bagaimana si kupu-kupu berjuang memaksa dirinya melewati lubang kecil itu. Kemudian kupu-kupu itu berhenti membuat kemajuan. Kelihatannya dia telah berusaha semampunya dan dia tidak bisa lebih jauh lagi.

Akhirnya orang tersebut memutuskan untuk membantunya, dia ambil sebuah gunting dan memotong sisa kekangan dari kepompong itu. Kupu-kupu tersebut keluar dengan mudahnya.

Ternyata, Kupu-kupu itu mempunyai tubuh yang gembung dan kecil, dan sayapnya mengkerut.

Orang tersebut terus mengamatinya karena dia berharap bahwa, pada suatu saat, sayap-sayap itu akan mekar dan melebar sehingga mampu menopang tubuhnya, yg mungkin akan berkembang dalam waktu.

Ternyata Semuanya tak pernah terjadi. kupu-kupu itu menghabiskan sisa hidupnya merangkak di sekitarnya dengan tubuh gembung dan sayap-sayap mengkerut. Dia tidak pernah bisa terbang.

Kebaikan dan ketergesaan orang tersebut merupakan akibat dari ketidak mengertiannya bahwa kepompong yg menghambat,
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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Membangun Budaya Positif

Membangun Budaya Positif Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

“A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within. – Sebuah bangsa yang agung tidak dapat terkalahkan kecuali diakibatkan budaya-budaya di dalam masyarakat itu sendiri.” ~ Will Durant

Budaya adalah sesuatu yang mempengaruhi pola kehidupan sekaligus dipengaruhi dinamika masyarakatnya. Sehingga perubahan budaya itu sendiri bersifat statis atau tak dapat kita elakkan. Salah satu contohnya adalah budaya Republik Rakyat Tiongkok yang sudah ikut mewarnai kehidupan dan budaya bangsa Indonesia.

Hal itu dikemukakan oleh Presiden RI, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, pada acara Malam Peringatan 50 Tahun Kerjasama Kebudayaan RI dan RRT. Kebetulan saya menjadi salah seorang tamu undangan pada acara yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 28 Februari 2007 lalu. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menyatakan bahwa selama ini telah terjalin komunikasi lintas etnis antara bangsa Indonesia dan Tionghoa dan sudah mempengaruhi budaya bangsa Indonesia.

Dalam acara pertunjukan budaya yang dimeriahkan oleh artis-artis RRT dan Indonesia serta dihadiri sejumlah pejabat negara dan sekitar 5.000 orang itu, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yud
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